Ever wonder how the 918 kiss appears on the blackjack slot machines at online Casinos? If you do, then you are in luck. This is one of the newest tricks that online casinos use to get people to play multiple games on the same machine. The "9" in the name is where the ratio of payouts changes from game to game. In this case, it changes from multiple wins to single wins, or a combination of both.
Think of it this way... how many people do you know who play at the same online casino that hosts a multiple gaming site? If they didn't, they wouldn't be there. There would simply be nothing for them to play. Why do they keep coming back? There is a reason and it has everything to do with the branding of the online casino and how it appeals to their clientele.
Let's face it; Las Vegas is a no mess land when it comes to real-time gaming. People from around the world flock to the casinos here in droves and spend millions of dollars in the hopes of winning the big jackpots. And why not? When you win real money, you get to double your investment instantly and without any risk, which is a pretty good deal when you think about it.
But with that said, the question remains. Is it legal to have this sort of high roller gambling happening on a pay-line slot machine? Does it violate any local, state, or federal laws? And what about the integrity of the game itself?
There have been many rumors, stories, and accusations circulating about whether or not the 9th hole on the pay lines at online casinos should be eliminated. Most notably, there are tales that a famous online casino in Las Vegas was caught on tape placing bets on women in order to "improve" their chances of winning the jackpot. After one player won a huge wad of money, the online casino released a statement saying that the woman had been "improperly" selected as a game winner and had been removed from the site. Some say this controversy has nothing to do with real time gaming but has everything to do with women being treated unfairly in the real world.
Is all of this coming out right about the game of nine holes? That depends. It is hard to say for sure, considering there has only been a brief mention of any wrongdoing by any of the participants in the affair. It is also unclear whether or not any action will be taken against the online casino that placed the bet on women. If nothing else, it does show that there is room for discussion about how online slots and poker games are regulated, even in the face of some very public controversy.